Title: Crying Suns - Game & Soundtrack Genre: Indie, Strategy Developer: Alt Shift Publisher: Humble Games Languages: English, French, German, Simplified Chinese, Russian, Spanish - Spain, Japanese Listed languages may not be available for all games in the package. View the individual games for more details. CRYING SUNS is a rogue-lite and tactical game where you explore a dying galaxy as a space fleet commander. As a deep story-rich game experience, each successful run will uncover a part of the underlying truth about the fall of the galactic Empire.
Crying Suns inclusion of a well integrated story in a rogue-lite game marks it out as something of an oddity in the genre. Good design and battles that offer just enough tactical depth that even beginners can enjoy themselves.
Crying Suns does right by its predecessors, all while carving out its own space in the genre. The sci-fi tactics game tosses you into the unknown with a need to find answers and a battleship to blast away the opposition. Tattletail. With solid mechanics and a superb story, it’s a good time waiting to be had.
It is one of those titles I would fully recommend to any strategy fan with sci-fi tastes. It came out of nowhere, flying under my radar and sneakily placing itself in my 2019’s top 10 list.
Crying Suns inclusion of a well integrated story in a rogue-lite game marks it out as something of an oddity in the genre. Good design and battles that offer just enough tactical depth that even beginners can enjoy themselves.
Crying Suns - Original Soundtrack Download Free Movie
Crying Suns does right by its predecessors, all while carving out its own space in the genre. The sci-fi tactics game tosses you into the unknown with a need to find answers and a battleship to blast away the opposition. With solid mechanics and a superb story, it’s a good time waiting to be had.
Movie Soundtracks Original Soundtrack
It is one of those titles I would fully recommend to any strategy fan with sci-fi tastes. It came out of nowhere, flying under my radar and sneakily placing itself in my 2019’s top 10 list.